Schleswig-Holstein’s incubator for maritime technologies


The global and regional challenges humanity is facing today can be solved by technological solutions and interdisciplinary cooperation.

TransMarTech (TMT) sees itself as an incubator for maritime innovations and maritime technologies. We encourage the development of innovations through technology transfer from maritime and marine sciences. We rely on interdisciplinary teams from science and business. We believe that  new business models and products in the maritime economy can emerge when applying the transfer of technologies and basic research from universities and research institutes to industry.

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development of the UN Decade are decisive for our actions in the process of product and business model development – TransMarTech focuses on SDG 14 . Our goal is to enable technology-driven innovations and the development of products, services and systems from Schleswig-Holstein that make life by and in the sea sustainably better.

To do this, we are connecting innovative minds from science and business, people with outstanding ideas, special expertise and passion.

what we offer


Located directly at the Seefischmarkt, we not only have a view at the fjord, but also the immediate vicinity of the GEOMAR-Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research in Kiel , the Kiel University of Applied Sciences and the Technical Faculty of the CAU. The TMT is a place for open discussions, the exchange of project ideas, co-working and event space. The DOCK is supplemented by digital collaborative platforms, so that cooperation can take place nationwide and independent of location.


TMT has established access to internal and external networks in Schleswig-Holstein and beyond; between
science and economy.
Targeted matchmaking for product and project innovations takes place together with the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany (MCN) and the Schleswig-Holstein Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHKen) . The focus of the TMT is on active support and transfer with speed.


Through individual workshop and event formats, the TMT provides methodical and implementation-oriented impulses for marine science, universities and business.
We accompany teams, individuals, scientists, companies and research groups. We start with the initial innovation idea and its problem solution fit and focus on the development of potential business models, products or services. Funding options are being explored and investors brought on board.



We see knowledge and technology transfer as an opportunity to shape the future of oceans together. That is why TMT team is looking for answers to the social, ecological and economic challenges in coastal and marine protection. We want to tackle problems in a supra-regional network.

Passion as the driving force behind innovations

We focus on common goals and values. We lead and do not control. We act in the best possible way in terms of our passions. We create new products and encourage others to follow. We support entrepreneurs and scientists sharing the common goal of change and environmental protection with support of technology driven solutions.

Interdisciplinary teamwork in a strong network

We rely on strong scientific and economic networks, nationwide. We promote diversity, encourage knowledge sharing and bringing people from various backgrounds together.

Try & Error

We can fail. When we fail we will learn from it. Failing can result in growth, thus, we are not afraid of it. We encourage people to try new things.

Entrepreneurial mindset & agility as a strength

We transfer scientific innovation into products and services that will have a long-term benefit for oceans and coastlines both in Schleswig-Holstein and worldwide. We encourage scientists to explore entrepreneural mindset.

What drives us

Ocean pollution is progressing. Its causes are manifold: slowly weathering of old ammunition loads, plastic pollution and nutrion input. Just naming examples.

1.6 million tons of conventional and 300,000 tons of chemical munitions are burried in the North and Baltic Seas. Locating, recovering and defusing ammunition is not only a regional but a global challenge.

Further pollution of the seas occurs by input of nutrients from agriculture and industrial discharges. Microplastic pollution is a recognized but yet an unresolved problem. In addition to reducing or avoiding further inputs, eliminating the previous pollution is a major challenge. In addition to potential technical solutions, it is necessary to find political, regulatory and financial solutions.

We can learn a lot from marine systems, when we understand them and their behavior in a more comprehensive way. Marine ecosystems are complex and interact efficiently.  Bio-intelligence helps us to find solutions to the challenges of our complex world. This applies for areas such as digitization as well as areas of  economic, social and political systems. But how can marine systems be analyzed and thoroughly understood? Which technical solutions are necessary for this? What do we already know and how can we build on it? What can be transferred?

The transport of people and goods by sea is considered to be an environmentally friendly alternative to other modes of transport (especially when compared to air and road transport). Nevertheless, shipping faces major challenges: shipping needs to take steps to become a carbon-neutral way of transportation. Emissions need to be reduced and alternative fuels considered. Sustainable materials, new recycling systems for old materials should be developed. The opportunities of digitization will make shipping safer and cheaper. In the area of high-performance sailing, systems for automatic navigation and control systems combined with intelligent sensors can be developed and implemented.

Global climate change is causing sea levels to rise. Two challenges emerge: on the one hand, we need to find solutions to mitigate climate change and thus sea level rise. However, human caused climate change and thus the rise of sea level can no longer be completely stopped. Therefore, adaptation measures represent a further challenge. How can it be possible to live and work in coastal areas and on islands in the future?

Energy is one of our most important resources. We need energy to operate industries, to scale digitization, to satisfy our desire for mobility and not to freeze in winter. The fossil energy sources currently used are finite. We need to develop sustainable energy sources and find ways of activly removing carbon from the atmosphere. The sea already offers opportunities to produce regenerative energies such as wind, wave or tidal energy. The oceans also offer plenty of opportunities to emerge new technologies for additional carbon capture.

The sea has always been a supplier of food. Fish and seafood are an important part of the diet. However, this fact has led to overfishing of the seas. We need solutions for the sustainable use of the oceans for food supply. Algae, seagrass, jellyfish and other marine resources can be used to feed the population. In Germany/ Europe, the use of these resources for nutrition is still in early stages of development. What additional opportunities can be found to feed a growing world population in a sustainable and balanced way?

Marine resources such as seaweed, algae, sponges or animal extracts from snails, mussels, jellyfish or fish offer a wide range of applications in the fields of cosmetics and pharmacy. Manufacturing of materials for packaging, furniture or insulation can be supplemented or fully be replaced by biomaterials from the oceans. However, the properties of marine resources are far from being fully explored. There are still many opportunities in this area to find sustainable solutions to numerous everyday challenges.

what triggers you

Participate in our events , get inspired by other projects and teams on our digital platform.

Do you have your own innovative idea that you would like to take to the next level to shape it towards technology transfer? Contact us!

Any inquiries or ideas? Contact us!

Visit us or send us a message to

We reply within 24 hours on weekdays.

Standort TransMarTech

TransMarTech Schleswig-Holstein GmbH

Wischhofstrasse 1-3 Bldg. 1, 24148 Kiel

The TMT is located in building 1 (market hall) in the Seefischmarkt district (Kiel-Wellingdorf). The entrance is on the water side of the Schwentine next to the entrance to our neighbors Osteolabs and Geomar. GPS data 54° 19′ 44.836″ N 10° 10′ 31.75″ E

The ferry (F2 Schwentine line – exit Wellingdorf) or the KVG bus lines 100 and 11 take you to the Seefischmarkt in an environmentally friendly way. It will take you about 20 minutes by bike from the main train station.