MOLA Modular Ocean Lander Architecture

MOLA is about seismic and electromagnetic surveys of the oceanic crust. The project aims to develop electronic components and algorithms for AI-based real-time analysis and underwater acoustic communication and to test them under real conditions.

Relevance to the Sustainable Blue Economy:

The ocean plays an important role in transforming the energy sector from carbon-based to carbon-neutral societies. This requires the expansion of offshore wind farms and the storage of carbon dioxide in the sea, while protecting marine ecosystems. These tasks require detailed information about seafloor processes.

The MOLA system can be used in a variety of seafloor and subsurface monitoring applications. From environmental monitoring during the construction of offshore wind farms to the dismantling of oil and gas platforms or the planned subsea storage of CO2.

Facts & Figures

Period 05.2023 – 04.2025
Volume 1,1 Mio €
Client GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre Kiel
Management Dr. Jens Karstens

Contact TMT

Florian Klabes

Florian Klabes

Projekt- und Technologiemanagement

Our tasks

We accompany Dr. Jens Karstens on his way from a validation project to a spin-off. We were commissioned to support and advise in particular in the three fields of “market research”, “pitch training” and “business model development”.

Market research

Pitch Training

Business Model Development


Dr. Jens Karstens

Dr. Jens Karstens

Project leader and scientist at GEOMAR | Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel