Matchmaking off to a promising start


Our Engage format "Matchmaking" went into the second round On October 11, 2023, we had the pleasure to welcome our partners from Impact Funding Europe , who organized the content [...]

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TMT @ Ocean Day


August 6th was International Maritime Day. In Kiel, this was celebrated with an event on the Reventlouwiese. In the best weather, various organizations came together and set up t [...]

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Find your maritime data talent – Kick-Off


In a virtual kick-off on April 26, 2022, the graduate school #MarDATA | Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science from the GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel in Kiel [...]

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ORCC Pitch Night


With the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge 2021, TransMarTech has established the first national hackathon on the subject of coastal and marine protection. During a hackathon (creation [...]

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From the workshop series Future Sea 2050, the TMT has developed possible project outlines and examined options for EU funding. During the event, three possible project outlines [...]

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Open Ship Days


Official opening of the Maritime Technology Transfer Center at the Seefischmarkt in Kiel. The Open Ship Days were offered as the official opening week over 5 days. [...]

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