Our Engage format “Matchmaking” went into the second round

On October 11, 2023, we had the pleasure to welcome our partners from Impact Funding Europe , who organized the content of our matchmaking event in our DOCK at Seefischmarkt for the second time.

We welcomed new as well as familiar guests to our center. Various scientists and project managers from Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel from the fields of remote sensing, applied underwater technologies and aquaculture as well as multipliers and project managers from engineering and a startup from ORCC 2022 were participants.

🤿 The focus was on brainstorming on the “SCOPE”, “WHY” and “HOW” of the potential projects after the introduction by IFE explaining the system and how the projects they support work.

Peter Schottes and Olaf-Gerd Gemein presented four EU calls for project funding:

📢 Ocean Models for seasonal to decadal regional climate impacts and feedback – digital project and using data
📢 Minimizing climate impact on aquaculture: mitigation and adaptation solutions for future climate regimes
📢 Biodegradable polymers for sustainable packaging materials
📢 Copernicus for Land & Water

Each project call was prepared in such a way that it was easier for the participants of the event to brainstorm on different ideas and prepare an initial fundraising project idea for the future.

The results are now merged and then we move on to the next phase of matching.

Peter & Olaf will work together with the technology transfer officers and business representatives of our TMT associations and our crew to get more project partners on board and to advance the topics for the consortia in the fall and winter.

✍️ If you are interested in participating in a topic but unfortunately missed the event, you now have the opportunity to contact us directly.

Please contact us via the contact form.