Gruppenbild Matchmaking 2023

Matchmaking off to a promising start

Our Engage format "Matchmaking" went into the second round On October 11, 2023, we had the pleasure to welcome our partners from Impact Funding Europe , who organized the content of our matchmaking event in our DOCK at Seefischmarkt for the second ti [...]

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ORCC received the 2023 Sustainability Award!

On June 6, 2023, we as the ORCC team received the Young Talent Award from Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein (IB.SH) as part of the Sustainability Award 2023 of the State of Schleswig-Holstein! We are very pleased to announce. We are overwhelmed wit [...]

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Teilnehmer*innen in der Starterkitchen zum Auftakt zur ORCC 2022

Press Release: Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge delivers smart ideas for coastal and marine conservation.

From challenges in coastal and marine protection to innovative solutions in just one week: from 19.09.2022 to 24.09.2022, the Transfer Center for Maritime Technologies SH hosted the hackathon "Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge". The event took place in the [...]

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Floatong Decks Nutzung

Press release: Shaping Kiel together: The FLOATING DECKS are to provide a meeting area with format at the Seefischmarkt quarter.

In today's world, knowledge transfer is a key factor for social coexistence. The new meeting area with format - the FLOATING DECKS - at the Quartier Seefischmarkt is intended to enable learning from each other, exchange and joint (controversial) disc [...]

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Kick off FISH-X

Press release: EU project on digitization in coastal fishing started with a funding volume of 6 million euros

On June 22, 2022, the EU project "Fish-X" started as part of the kick-off workshop in the Transfer Center for Maritime Technologies SH at the Seefischmarkt in Kiel. The aim of the project is the development of a new information and data infrastructur [...]

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TMT @ Ocean Day

August 6th was International Maritime Day. In Kiel, this was celebrated with an event on the Reventlouwiese. In the best weather, various organizations came together and set up their stands. It goes without saying that we from TransMarTech Sh were th [...]

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Find your maritime data talent – Kick-Off

In a virtual kick-off on April 26, 2022, the graduate school #MarDATA | Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science from the GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel in Kiel and showed potential for companies looking for specialists, experts for [...]

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Press release: “Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge 2022” – A regional participation format for coastal and marine protection

Kiel, March 10, 2022 In the week from September 19, 2022 to September 24, 2022, the Transfer Center for Maritime Technologies SH, together with the Smart KielRegion team and in cooperation with various project partners from science and business, is o [...]

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Additive manufacturing processes

The Kiel University of Applied Sciences and MT Aerospace AG - in cooperation with TransMarTech SH - provided an overview of common manufacturing processes and a way of identifying suitable components for additive manufacturing. The focus of the works [...]

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ORCC Pitch Night

With the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge 2021, TransMarTech has established the first national hackathon on the subject of coastal and marine protection. During a hackathon (creation of the word “hack” and “marathon”), software and hardware prototypes as [...]

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