Network support for transfer projects.
Successful technology transfer requires different expertise. As experts in design/engineering, company building, innovation, project and network management, we support both scientific spin-offs and companies in the development and implementation of their innovative ideas.
Our goal is to accompany all teams on their way to market success. With our broad expertise and solution-oriented approach, we provide effective support for all our customers’ needs.
Options for investors.
Our incubator is a breeding ground for new and further development of technological innovations in the fields of action of the sustainable Blue Economy. In our formats such as the project garages, teams and individuals from science and business work together on market-ready prototypes. See the teams for yourself at a Pitch Day or invest in the blue future by participating in a garage.
Offers for entrepreneurs.
Need for skilled workers? A new strategic direction is needed to remain competitive? As a company in the maritime industry, you have the chance to benefit from the knowledge and expertise of leading research institutions to increase your competitiveness and develop new business opportunities.
Our team of experts is there to advise you on how to be fit for the future. Discover the potential in your team and in the fields of action of the Sustainable Blue Economy now.
“The atmosphere at TransMarTech is something special.”
Participants of a workshop
Wenn Sie eine Veranstaltung oder ein Geschäftstreffen abhalten möchten, können Sie einen Raum oder eine Außenanlage auf unserem Bürogelände buchen.
Das Quartier am Seefischmarkt auf dem Ostufer bietet dabei durch seine Lage und die angesiedelten Hochschulen, Unternehmen und das Geomar Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung sowie dem Transferzentrum für Maritime Technologien, optimale Rahmenbedingungen für Austausch über alle Themen rund um das Meer.
Der Raum kann von Unternehmen, Hochschulen, Forschungsinstituten, Schulen, Kreativen und Bürgern genutzt werden, d.h. es können hier die unterschiedlichsten Veranstaltungsformate angeboten werden, für die der jeweilige Veranstalter verantwortlich ist.