On June 6, 2023, we as the ORCC team received the Young Talent Award from Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein (IB.SH) as part of the Sustainability Award 2023 of the State of Schleswig-Holstein! We are very pleased to announce.

We are overwhelmed with pride and gratitude that our event, teamwork, and collaboration with our inter-regional cooperating partners have been rewarded with this award for their commitment to coastal and marine conservation.

The Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge is a supra-regional hackathon on the topic of coastal and marine protection in Schleswig-Holstein. Participants in the hackathon developed innovative concepts and proposed solutions, from sustainable aquafarm technology to intelligent wreck detectors, which were then transferred to a technologically networked context.

In the words of our laudator Dörte Busse-Meyn, “ORCC shines like a beacon project between the seas, and the solutions developed here are transferable to other coastal cities.”

Our heartfelt thanks go to our team and all our partners who have worked on this project with tireless dedication and determination. Special thanks to our project leaders Julia Plath and Franziska Stalf! You are the driving force behind this success and an outstanding example of how innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration can have a positive impact on our oceans in the Kiel region and beyond.

Let’s continue to work together to protect the oceans with smart, innovative ideas and technology-based solutions, and to emphasize the importance of the oceans in society.