The finale of the 1st innovation hackathon on coastal and marine protection, as an event of the UN Ocean Decade, is characterized by sustainable innovations for Schleswig-Holstein.

keel | SH
The Pitch Night of the Ocean Re-CREATION Challenge concludes the first innovation hackathon on coastal and marine protection in Schleswig-Holstein. More than 60 participants and mentors worked in hybrid, interdisciplinary teams within a week on concrete solution scenarios in the fields of marine pollution, energy & resources as well as mobility & logistics.

The tasks were set by maritime companies, for example the Gebrüder Friedrich shipyard set the task of procuring a fleet of sustainably designed, emission-free watercraft for touristic passenger shipping in SH within a short transition period.

A total of 16 challenges were submitted, not all of them managed to arouse enthusiasm for cooperation – ultimately five challenges were selected by the participants for processing. “Setting a good challenge that can be conceptually solved in five days and at the same time challenges the expertise of the teams is also a real task for the challengers,” explains Nele Dageförde, Managing Director of TransMarTech SH GmbH and initiator of the format.

Within a week, the teams – who only got together on the first day of the week – worked on five complex challenges. At the pitch night, they had the opportunity to present their results in the form of a 3-minute presentation – a so-called ‘pitch’ – in front of an audience from science and business.
Seagrass insulation material, Sciencelando for scientists and a zero-emission passenger ship

The pitch by the Baltic Therm team in particular triggered a positive response. The team developed a prototype seagrass insulating brick in five days.

The Sciencelando team made a 180 degree turn when dealing with their challenge. They actually set out to develop a biocompostable adhesive for water sports equipment, but on day two they faced the problem of gaining access to existing research results and the corresponding network of experts. With their concept Sciencelando – a data platform supported by AI – a topic-specific search based on scientific publications is to be developed with the aim, among other things, of (faster) product development based on diverse scientific findings.

But it was also about the future of shipping in Schleswig-Holstein. The team around Lars Biemüller from the Peterswerft in Wewelsfleth dealt with the overall concept of an emission-free passenger ship for the maritime energy transition in Schleswig-Holstein . The team’s approach is to set up an investment fund to enable the development of a wind-powered vessel.

Biemüller, responsible for business development at Peterswerft, sums up: “It was a completely new experience that a newly formed team with the TMT stakeholders in the background was able to develop such dynamics within 4 days that far exceeded my expectations of the event .”

After the intensive week, the next challenge awaits the teams: the next concrete milestones in the booster program, which starts in November, are to be developed from the concepts.
More information about the innovation hackathon:
All submitted projects in detail:

Responsible for this press release
Nele Dageförde | Manager

Mobile: +49-160 90412210 | Email: